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Class Dojo

At Netherton C of E Primary, we believe that extrinsic rewards are a vital part of building positive behaviour around school.

Positive Rewards

There are numerous ways in which pupils can be praised.

  • Verbal praise
  • Stickers
  • Star of the Day
  • Praise pad – note home
  • Class Dojo points
  • Certificate awarded in Praise Assembly

We recognise that intrinsic motivation, or self-motivation, is crucial to improving resilience, achieving goals and ultimately is the key determiner to success. 

Children who are intrinsically motivated are more likely to achieve and less likely to misbehave.

In order to achieve this, we look to encourage a growth mindset. As a teacher, this encouragement involves:

Having a growth mindset, ourself; and

Praising a student’s effort, rather than judging them in their ability.

Class Dojo

Netherton C of E uses Class Dojo as a rewards system.

What is Dojo?

Dojos are points which are given and recorded electronically on the Class Dojo site so children (and parents) can see instantly when they have been given a Dojo, by whom and for what; and they can see how many Dojos they have in total.

How do pupils achieve Dojos?

Pupils are awarded a dojo for their positive behaviours.  Dojos are awarded by staff when they demonstrate:

Positive Learning Behaviours – On task, initiative, participating, organisation, presentation, teamwork, working hard, effort,

Positive personal behaviours – helping others,

Achievement in curriculum subjects – Art, DT, English, French, Geography, History, Maths, Music, PE, Science, RE, Oracy, Phonics

School Values – Acceptance, Fairness, Forgiveness, Perseverance, Positivity & Respect

Attendance – every pupil is awarded 1 dojo for each day they attend school.

Poetry Challenge – pupils are challenged to learn and recite a poem by heart, to a member of the senior leadership team. For this, they can earn 5 Dojos and there are 6 poems for them to learn each year. The poems can be found in their school planner.




The Dojos which a pupil earns, accrue until they reach a reward target.  At this point, they may redeem their points for their reward.

Praise Assembly

Two praise assemblies are held each week – one for EYFS and Lower School and one for Upper School. 

The class teacher chooses a pupil from their class to praise but this is kept as a surprise from the pupil until they arrive at Praise assembly. The parents of those children being praised are invited into Praise Assembly to share in their special moment. The class teacher speaks about the pupil and the reasons why they have been chosen and presents them with a certificate.