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Physical Education


Physical Education at Netherton CE Primary School is a valued subject.  We strive to produce athletically agile, strong children who leave us with a passion for physical activity that will continue and enhance their lives.  As a church school we want all children to know that they are loved and accepted; so every lesson is adapted to meet all of their needs so that they can all succeed.

Through our curriculum design we aim to develop and stimulate the students; physically, socially, emotionally and cognitively by providing an equal opportunity of learning experiences in games, gymnastics, dance, athletics and outdoor education.  Expectations will always be high and enable the children to achieve their personal best.   We foster an ‘I can grow’ attitude where the children can continue to learn and develop their skills.

Children will be encouraged to adopt a positive attitude of ‘I can do it’, to activity and healthy living, motivating them to fulfil their sporting potential both within school and through clubs in the local community.




Schemes of work, written by the Physical Education Leader, are structured to allow students the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills for the future.  The milestones are used to ensure correct coverage of skills and progression across the school.  Team work builds on our school values of positivity and perseverance.  Children are encouraged to aim high and persevere until they have achieved their goal. 

The development of language skills and vocabulary knowledge is a whole school priority. Physical Education supports this by providing opportunities for children to evaluate each other’s performances. They are encouraged to recognise the strengths and weaknesses of themselves and others and be able to suggest ways to develop these. Children are also required to take the lead at various points so that they develop leadership qualities alongside this.

We enter a large number of competitions against other schools.  Children attend after school clubs to develop skills further and are then selected to represent the school.  This is celebrated with certificates and photographs placed on the achievements board.

The sports premium money is used to employ a sports coach who works closely with the P.E. Leader in order to upskill staff and ensure high quality of lessons across the school.  Lessons are monitored by the sports coach and P.E. Leader.  The use of team teaching within each unit allows staff to develop confidence and access the expertise.


Pupils leave primary school athletically agile and able to further their skills in all areas of Physical Education.  They have a love of being active and value the impact this has on their mental and physical well-being.  Many of them will have set their own goals in relation to their physical abilities and are aware of what they are required to do in order to achieve this.  They develop an awareness of how to deal with both victory and defeat; skills that they can use in other areas of life.  All children have taken part in some form of competitive sport whether this be against other local schools or against their peers.  They are aware of their own strengths and have been made aware of clubs within the local community.  They have been given the opportunity to take the lead within a lesson and the various after school clubs thus deepening their own learning and confidence.

Characteristics of a Sports Person

  • Fit
  • Athletic
  • Positive well being
  • Good mental health
  • Resilient
  • Always aiming to be the best they can
  • Competitive
  • Efficient
  • Accurate

Potential Careers

  • PE teacher
  • Athlete
  • Footballer
  • Physiotherapist
  • Dietician
  • Sports coach
  • Sports commentator
  • Personal trainer
  • Lifeguard
  • Health trainer

Road Map


Knowledge Organisers