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Welcome to Netherton Church of England Primary School 

Netherton C of E is a proud member of the Diocese of Worcester Multi Academy Trust (DOWMAT), a small group of schools with a common goal - to make our schools the best we possibly can, to serve our communities.

Netherton C of E is a friendly, welcoming school at the heart of the community with a dedicated and caring staff who work tirelessly to ensure the very best experience for all our pupils. We have an extremely positive ethos.

Our pupils have access to a rich, relevant curriculum and an ever developing, stimulating, and engaging environment where children can thrive.  Having ensured that pupils feel safe, happy and enjoy their learning, I want pupils to achieve at all levels and to raise educational outcomes for all.

Reading is the foundation of our curriculum, and we positively promote reading for pleasure as an essential, life-enhancing skill, asking our families to support us with this at home. We want all children to become confident and independent learners.

Our curriculum equally embeds our school vision and values; skills and knowledge; as well as widening pupils’ horizons and experiences. The learning goes beyond lessons! We offer a vast array of exciting activities and extra-curricular opportunities to help our youngsters grow, develop and become inquisitive individuals, as well as challenging and inspiring them. We are proud of the way in which we encourage and celebrate talents and achievements.

Our holistic approach gives pupils and staff a love of learning whilst encouraging them to aim reach their full potential by giving them the education that they need today and setting them up with every chance to succeed tomorrow.

At Netherton C of E, you will see a real focus on our Christian values:

These values permeate everything we do, guiding children to make appropriate choices, preparing them for the wider world & the future.

In our drive and determination for ALL to be successful, and through our words of wisdom, it is our hope that everybody can fulfil their dreams to have the best chance of a happy future.

We are exceptionally proud to serve our local community. We acknowledge the importance of our families to the successes of our children. We therefore warmly welcome our parents to attend our school to share experiences with their children and celebrate their successes.

I look forward to welcoming you to our school.

Mrs K Harvey
